Rewards That
Keep On Giving

Amplify customer engagement and brand loyalty by infusing custom incentives into their reuse experience

Reuse rewards

Incentives are a powerful tool for driving customer participation in reusable packaging programs. Not only do they encourage sustainable habits, they also signal your brand's commitment to climate action and create a deeper connection with your customers.

Let us help you build a custom rewards program that makes sense for your business and your customers.

customer retention
customer ltv
avg. cart size

Source: Data collected from in-house reusable packaging program (Naked Frankie)

Rewards management made simple

Say goodbye to complicated deposit systems and complex accounting that have been used for traditional reuse or refill models. With the OOM Platform, you can easily track each customer's progress and rewards. Customers can redeem when they meet the requirement.

Customized redemption threshold
Rewarding customer experience

Reusing with OOM App

Make reusing feel good for your customers as it is for the environment. Available on the App Store and Google Play, OOM App lets customers access your brand rewards, track their reward progress and see the environmental impact of their sustainable habits.

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We're here to help.

Ready to make a change for the better?

Start a conversation with us today and find out how you can join our mission to create cleaner planet.

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